PRI Regenerative Medicine

Advanced Regenerative Medicine


Through partnerships with Pioneering Biologics Labs and Data Analysis firms PRI is maintaining its mission to stay on the forefront of regenerative medicine and to make Advanced Regenerative Medicine accessible and affordable to Chicago-area residents.

The unfortunate reality is that there is no cure for arthritis, whether it is in the spine or in joints. The best that can be done is to prevent it from getting worse, and in most cases, that involves exercise, which increases the pain ultimately perpetuating a viscous cycle. The treatments at PRI focus on conservative approaches for easing arthritis pain and preventing it from getting worse while focusing attention on the soft tissue that stabilizes the joint via various regenerative medicine treatments including Connective Tissue Supplementation and Tissue Transplant.

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Is Regenerative Medicine Covered by Insurance?

The answer is yes and no. For qualified patients and depending on coverage it may be covered. At PRI our goal is to exhaust every possible option prior to our patients needing to get surgery, repetitive steroid injections or ongoing pain medications.

As people live longer and are more active into their 80’s and 90’s the possibilities for joint replacement surgeries continue to increase, but what if there was a way to avoid joint replacements. And for those that are in the 20’s-60’s who are leading active lifestyle, what if there was an option to proactively work towards being able to avoid future surgeries and replacements while sustaining an active lifestyle. This not a futuristic dream, it is becoming more and more of a reality every day with the advances in regenerative medicine.

At PRI we call these processes Joint Restoration & Joint Preservation.

Why Consider Advanced Regenerative Medicine?

  • Seeking a safe & conservative solution
  • Exhausted traditional pain management options
  • Looking to avoid surgery or joint replacement
  • Having side effects from pain medications
  • Patient has had other failed surgeries
  • Looking to maintain active lifestyle

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The Premier Destination for Regenerative Medicine

Pain Relief Institute is the premier destination in Chicago and the Midwest for innovative and Advanced Regenerative Medicine. We cater to athletes, weekend warriors, active seniors and everyday people who are not interested in simply masking their discomfort with medications, temporary relief from cortisone injections and are looking to avoid surgery.

We specialize in non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment approaches. With years of experience researching and performing cutting-edge techniques, few physicians have more to offer than the Specialists at Pain Relief Institute.

Disclaimer: Our healthcare practitioners use products and perform therapies cleared for general use by the United States Food and Drug Administration, but specific indications for treatment have not be evaluated and reviewed by the FDA.

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Joint Preservation & Restoration

Joint Preservation is a proprietary treatment algorithm developed by the medical staff at Pain Relief Institute. The overlying goal is to maintain an active lifestyle, everything from just doing day to day tasks, exercising 2-3 days a week to being a professional athlete. Allowing patients to get the most out of their bodies without accelerated degenerative and arthritic changes to the joints and spine.

Joint Preservation is a proactive measure aimed at faster recovery time following activity and keeps the soft tissue that stabilizes the joint healthy allowing for better joint mechanics resulting in being able to fight off arthritic changes.

The treatment algorithm commonly includes one or a combination of the following treatment options based on each patients specific condition: Connective tissue Supplementation/Tissue Transplant (high concentrations of growth factors), PRP and PRP+, Joint Lubrication (via hyaluronic acid), stabilizing braces, laser therapy and participation in clinical trials and patient efficacy programs.

The best way to determine if this unique treatment is right for you is to be seen by a medical professional at PRI. The No-Obligation Consultation is covered by Medicare and most insurance. You can also schedule a non-medical consultation with PRI’s patient care coordinator to learn more about the different treatments offered at PRI.

Joint Restoration is a proprietary treatment algorithm developed by the medical staff at Pain Relief Institute. The overlying goal is to improve the patient’s joint function while decreasing or eliminating pain. Allowing patients with stage 3 or 4 arthritis a healthier more active lifestyle.

The treatment goals are aimed at decreasing joint stiffness, improving range of motion and stabilizing the joint allowing for more independence and being able to enjoy doing the things you love. The treatment algorithm commonly includes one or a combination of the following treatment options based on each patients specific condition: Bone Marrow Concentrate (stem cell therapy), Connective tissue Supplementation/Tissue Transplant (high concentrations of growth factors), PRP and PRP+, Joint Lubrication (via hyaluronic acid), extended release cortisone (safe for diabetics), stabilizing braces, laser therapy and participation in clinical trials and patient efficacy programs.

The best way to determine if this unique treatment is right for you is to be seen by a medical professional at PRI. The No-Obligation Consultation is covered by Medicare and most insurance. You can also schedule a non-medical consultation with PRI’s patient care coordinator to learn more about the different treatments offered at PRI.

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Advanced Regenerative Treatments

PRP (arthritis stage 1-3): A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient. The blood is placed in a centrifuge, which then spins the blood and separates the platelets. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 500%. PRP stimulates the soft tissue to activate the healing cascade, resulting in new collagen forming in the injured tissue. Repeat injections recommended based on outcome after 3-6 months.

Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC): BMC utilizes regenerative cells that are contained within the patients own bone marrow. The marrow contains a rich reservoir of “pluripotent” stem cells that can be withdrawn from the patients hip bone and used for BMC procedure. Unlike other cells of the body, stem cells are “undifferentiated”, meaning they are able to replicate themselves into various types of tissue. Can be repeated after 12+ months if necessary

PRP+ (arthritis stage 4): A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient. The blood is placed in a centrifuge, which then spins the blood and separates the platelets. The entire process takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 500%. PRP stimulates the soft tissue to activate the healing cascade, resulting in new collagen forming in the injured tissue. PRP has a powerful anti-inflammatory booster, A2M, added for improved pain relief. Repeat injections recommended based on outcome after 6-9 months.

Stem Force(TM): Contains a high concentration of live, pure human derived cellular factors and proteins for the treatment of pain or inflammation in any area of the body where skin and fat exist. Stem Force(TM) is currently conducting multiple FDA approved clinical trials in the regenerative medicine industry. PRP can be added as an anti-inflammatory and healing booster to further enhance the regenerative effects. Non-Surgical Approach with No Downtime.

Connective Tissue Supplementation + PRP:  Designed to replace missing or damaged tissue in the patient, rich in cytokines, growth factors, and scaffolding proteins. If missing or damaged tissue is identified after imaging, you may be a candidate. PRP is added as an anti-inflammatory and healing booster to further enhance the regenerative effects. Can be repeated after 9-12 months if necessary. Non-Surgical Approach with No Downtime.

To see which option may be right for you schedule your No-Obligation Consultation with a member of PRI’s medical team. The visit will consist of a thorough history and physical exam and X-ray imaging if it is necessary. Followed by discussing your goals and together agreeing on a plan of care to attain the maximum results. Please allow for up to one hour for the initial visits. Also, bring all medical records and imaging that would be pertinent to the initial visit.

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