Are you suffering from intense bone-on-bone pain that is preventing you from moving freely, playing with your grandchildren or participating in activities you enjoy?

Pain Relief Institute is the premier destination in Chicago and the Midwest for innovative and alternative treatments for Bone-on-Bone pain. We cater to active seniors and patients told they need joint replacement who are not interested in simply masking their discomfort with medications or temporary relief from cortisone injections or having surgery.
We specialize in non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment approaches. With years of experience researching performing cutting-edge techniques, few physicians have more to offer than our specialists.
Disclaimer: Our healthcare practitioners use products and perform therapies cleared for general use by the United States Food and Drug Administration, but specific indications for treatment have not be evaluated and reviewed by the FDA.
What is "Bone-on-Bone"?
The knee is a hinged joint with a hard “teflon”-like coating that protects the bone as it slides back and forth. This hard, slick coating is called hyaline cartilage (it is different from the meniscus, which is a leathery pad that acts as an extra layer of cushion for activities such as running and jumping). The hyaline cartilage acts as a slippery tissue that allows the bones to glide smoothly over each other and helps absorb the shock placed on the joints with movement.
When the cartilage wears away, that protection between the joints is lost, which is what we refer to as “bone on bone”. As the bones rub together, friction occurs, which interferes with the knee joint’s ability to move freely, wears down the surface of the bones, alters the bone’s shape, and causes bone spurs to form. Bone on bone arthritis can also cause tiny pieces of bone and cartilage to break away and float within the joint space, causing further damage and pain.

Understanding "Bone-on-Bone" Symptoms
Bone on bone knee pain is the direct result of severe degenerative changes to the knee joint from osteoarthritis. When the cartilage in your knee joint has worn away, and the joint space has narrowed enough to leave the bones exposed, they will rub against each other, causing extreme pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis has no singular cause, but there are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing it.
- Stiffness, often worse after rest or sitting
- Grating or crunching sensation and sound when moving the knee
- Decreased flexibility and range of motion
- Inability to bend the knee
- Bone spurs, which form on the edges of the bones as our body’s natural response to degenerative changes as it rebuilds more bone to make up for the loss.